
Monday, 18 July, 2022
Tags: Research

We study the geometry of hippocampal neuronal representations in mice during spatial and non-spatial decision making tasks.

In collaboration with Judit Makara, our group has been involved in setting up the recording and data analysis pipline for in vivo Ca2+ imaging experiments. 


Our goal here is to understand how hippocampal neuronal activity enables mice to quickly acquire flexible knowledge about their environment. Specifically, we are interested in how the changes in the place cell activity guided by external inputs interact with the internal structure of the network to allow both rapid formation of episodic memory and efficient generalization across environments at the same time.


A headfixed mouse running in a virtual corridor for water reward.



Somata of CA1 pyramidal neurons genetically expressing the fluorescent Ca-indicator GCAMP6, imaged using a 2P microscope during the virtual reality experiment.



Fluorescence signal recorded from a few individual hippocampal neurons. Dots indicate significant events, with the size of the dots proportional to the event amplitude. Solid line shows the fluorescent signal for those neurons showing the largest activity in this trial.